At the end of 2018 the art project Burning Love Letters became an art association with supporting members and a board committee.
The project Burning Love Letters has now started the third part named “The Journey”. In the beginning of 2019 it’s in the process of applying for funds.
The home of Burning Love Letters is in Valdemarsgade 19c, 1665 Copenhagen V. You can become a supporting member by writing to natascha@rydvald.dk It costs 300 DKK a year.
The founding general assembly
Natascha Thiara Rydvald was chosen at the founding general assembly.
The board committee includes
Anne Marie Pahuus, Filosof, Forfatter, Produkan for forskning v. Faculty of Arts Århus Universitet
Ellen Hillingsø, Actress
Maja Ravn, Scenograf / Produktion design
Birgitte Kehler Holst, Senior Projectmanager, Danish Broadcasting Company (DR) Tidl. formand for foreningen wift, women in film and television
John Schmidt, Consultant - Chairman of the TV Glad Foundation
Jannik Helweg-Larsen, Næstformand Chief Physician, Rigshospitalet Overlæge, Senior Consulant. DMSc.Rigshospitalet København
Natascha Thiara Rydvald, Formand, Stifter, Kunstner, Ide, Konceptudvikler, Projektansvarlig og indsamlere af kærlighedsbreve siden juli 2011